Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy New Year - Painting has turned a corner !

So... 20 days later and I have actually done some more painting!! I have some other projects I want to get stuck into, so really wanted to make progress on the malta scene. I've been putting off the city part of the painting (which is huge!) because I didn't feel as confident on my skills, or on my understanding of the structures as it's been so long since I was there... the photo's are great, but don't contain the detail I felt I needed.

Still had to push on and started to paint in some of the initial shapes... strike one!

I selected 3 tones to give the buildings the depth they needed. A tawny grey for the seafront face of the buildings, slightly in the shade. A rich brown for the windows and shadowed areas; and a vivid lemon white for the sunlit edges, roof areas and church tower.

I had to really discipline myself to stick to one tone at a time. Building the overall image up patiently, rather than attempting to create too much detail on smaller areas first. Proud of myself for sticking to the plan! I do remember colour-mixing classes at college... I thought it was all a bit silly and structured and I tended to mix colours on a whim, so I did a black and white Henry-Moore-esque underground shelter painting as a result with some minor red & yellow ink highlights because I didn't like being told what to do... If only my tutor could see my clean colours now... Rob & Daphne may have been right.

Started to get excited as I stood back and could see the depth I wanted coming through... now on to some detail.
Have had some really positive comments about the sea in this painting. Got me thinking - David Hockney. I have vivid memories of painting swimming pools and creating sea collages during my A-level days. Must have had an impact! Chris Evans and John Sentamu have been tweeting about the Hockney exhibition . Might have to book some tickets.

Just need to research some pretty Malta foliage, and decide what to put if anything on the bar which features in the foreground. Need a clean palette and a strong coffee today!

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